Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1728.12.05

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Index Entry By your honour's command, an example I stand [fl] 
Location At sea 
28 Nov-5 Dec 1728:21 (466)
A sailor on board His Majesty's ship Tartar, late at
Virginia, Capt. Vincent, Pearce Commander, having committed
a misdemeanor, and being ordered to be brought to the
gang-way to be whipp'd, spoke the following verses
extempore; upon which his punishment was remitted. 
Addressing himself to the Captain.
  By your honour's command, an example I stand, 
  Of your anger to all the ship's crew;
  I'm hamper'd and stripp'd, and if I am Whipp'd, 
  By the mess, `tis no more than my due.
  In this scurvy condition, I humbly petition, 
  To offer one line to your eye, 
  Merry Tom, [  ] by such trash,    
  Avoided the lash;
  If fate, and you please, so may I.
  There's nothing you hate, I'm inform'd, like a cat, 
  Why your honour's aversion is mine.
  If then puss with one tail, can make your heart sail, 
  Oh! save me from this that has nine.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1728.12.05 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1728 
Bibliography B0000672
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